Okay, I will come back around to a point. I read and researched blogs for a while
before jumping in. I am very much a
detail-oriented person, but I like a big picture first. As a teacher, one of my greatest areas of
frustration was teaching Social Studies.
I love History and my favorite genre of Literature is Historical
Fiction. However, I struggled to teach
History in a way that was meaningful. I
incorporated a lot of Historical Fiction and texts into English.
Often, I think Science and Social Studies do get left out or
taught mainly as whole-group lessons once to three times a week depending on
your schedule. From what I can tell, the
Common Core Standards focus on Math and English with reference to Literacy in
Science, Social Studies, and Technical Subjects. After that, are most of you following state
standards for Science and Social Studies?
Here in Texas, we have the TEKS and the Texas standards are extremely
detailed for every possible subject under the sun. I think there are so many
great resources right now to differentiate English (like Daily 5 and Guided
Reading) and Math (like Clutter Free Classroom’s Management Board that looks
Fifth Grade usually is U.S. History, and I struggled to find
great resources and fun activities for teaching U.S. History. I found most of my students lacked a thorough
understanding of geography and natural resources. You have to understand geography and natural
resources fairly well to understand how various explorers/settlers responded to
a new terrain. I guess I’m just curious
how others teach Science and Social Studies in authentic ways. To respond to literacy in these subjects,
note-taking and graphic organizers are great.
I really wanted to teach History with a project-based learning approach;
I just felt sometimes I lacked the time to do it properly.
You could have students each take an aspect of a period and
research it and then present on the topics.
When I tried this though, it didn’t work as well as it looks in the
professional development videos. My
students usually didn’t remember anything from other people’s presentations
even if they took notes. Some of this
comes back around to they need better speaking skills. Honestly, I have learned more history
probably through Historical Fiction than anything else. I found this to be a very successful method
with my students as well. It helped them
better understand the challenges people faced in different periods and circumstances. The History feels more alive. United Streaming has some great videos. Scholastic has some great e-books, especially
during the dollar days.
I am curious how others are approaching Science and Social Studies
with the Common Core and what types of resources they are looking for. Are you looking for note-taking skills
resources, graphic organizers, Historical fiction suggestions, nonfiction
suggestions, lesson ideas, project ideas, informational text handouts you could
just copy and hand out, etc.?
I decided to start blogging and creating TpT products because
I wanted to create meaningful Social Studies resources for the Elementary
level. That’s another challenge: you start looking for books or resources and they
are too mature for a 10 year old.
One of the things I wanted and never really found a good
source for other than Edhelper was short informational text passages on various
topics to hand out to the kids.
Sometimes when you only have Social Studies a couple times a week you
don’t have enough time to get through a 5-8 page lesson in a text-book and
discuss/answer questions/do an activity.
I wanted something shorter we could read, discuss, and then do a fun
activity with. Maybe, what I am trying
to say is I felt at the Elementary level sometimes the information needed to be
broken into smaller chunks. There are
great resources out there to do fun activities and projects. My question was always, how do they do the
project when I can’t find the right videos or text to present all the
information? In all my spare time as a
teacher (spare time, huh, what’s that?), I didn’t get all these wonderful
handouts created though. Would you be interested in having informational text
passages on specific topics with questions/activities/vocabulary to go with
them? What topics do you struggle the
most to teach?
Actually, one great resource is the whole series on “You
Wouldn’t Want to Be…” They are funny,
and usually somewhat gross. The kids
remember lots of details. It focuses on
all the worst parts of a period of History, which inadvertently teaches kids
about the challenges of the period. I
might actually start with making activities to go with the books in these
series as a good starting point. There
are some great graphic novels, too, on Biographies and wars if you can find
them at the library.