I teach in a blended learning environment, which means we use a vartiety of actual teacher/student interaction and online learning. All of my students use laptops, so I have tried out all sorts of sites this year. I have a small grade 4-5 class, but for Math they span from 4th grade Math through 7th grade Math. I have had to use a lot of sites to help practice, teach, and reinforce math concepts to help them all work at different paces and levels. During Math, I am all over my classroom helping my students.
Some of these have already been mentioned, but here are my favorite sites for different reasons:
1) Xtramath - Many of my students have struggled with their Math Facts, so we have used Xtramath to improve their math fact fluency. (This reminds me we haven't used it since coming back from Spring Break. I need to make them start logging in again every morning.) It takes about 5 minutes per day. They have to master addition at 90% accuracy before moving on to subtraction and then they move on to subtraction, multiplication, and division as they master them.
2) Sumdog is one of their favorites. It is a fun way to spiral review without making copies. You can assign grade levels or topics to individual students. They create avatars, earn levels, and can play lots of different games against each other. They love when I play, too. Sumdog has a free subscription. If you pay, you can get Sumdog English as well.
3) IXL - My students love doing IXL practice to unlock extra rewards. It takes a subscription, but honestly IXL has been of the best ways for me to give all my students extra practice for so many concepts at so many levels with immediate feedback.
4) Math Playground - Math Playground is a new one we have been experimenting with lately. They seem to really enjoy it.
I like the idea of these weekly linkies. I think I would like to do a weekly post/linky on text suggestions for the Content Areas (Science and Social Studies), especially Nonfiction with the Common Core emphasis on Informational Text. I am trying to think of a name. So far I have Thinking Through Texts Thursday, Common Core Texts for the Content Areas, Informational Text Thursday, or Nonfiction Thursday. What do you think? Any name suggestions? Would you be interested or participate in a linky focusing on text suggestions for Science and Social Studies?
Thanks so much for linking up such awesome sites! :)
I haven't heard of IXL-I'll have to check it out. I found you through the linky-I'm your newest follower.
Head Over Heels For Teaching
I have never heard of Sumdog but will go and check it out right now. Thanks for the recommendation!
ReplyDeletePolka Dots & Teaching Tots
Sumdog and IXL were in my post as well! Such great sites for the kids. It's too bad that IXL is a pay site though. Luckily our district provides each kid with a membership! Off to check out xtramath!
ReplyDeleteSweet Rhyme – Pure Reason
Great post. I pinned it so I can refer to it when I am not so sleepy. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking of trying out IXL. Right now, we are using Moby Math, have you heard of it? I'm wondering how it compares. I'll have to check it out! Thanks for sharing.
Caffeine and Lesson Plans
Hi April, I love these math sites. I am crossing my fingers that our district purchases subscriptions to IXL when we go 1-1 laptop with our 4th and 5th graders next year. Love the idea of a common core content area linky...What about "Common Core in the Content Areas" or "Content Areas with the Common Core." That might lend the linky to not only literature but also writing connections. I am thinking really hard this quarter about how to seamlessly integrate everything way more with our science, social studies, and literacy. I have even envisioned the principal walking in and my kids not knowing whether we are working on reading, writing, science or social studies because it is so embedded and integrated. (Wow, that would be risky, I think, but the real-world is integrated!) I will be looking forward to this linky :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for this very useful info you have provided us. I will bookmark this for future reference and refer it to my friends. More power to your blog.
ReplyDeleteMath fact fluency