
Friday, June 29, 2012

Versatile Blogger and a Sale

I am extremely honored to have won the Versatile Blogger Award from Tonya and Lisa!  Thank you, ladies. J It is rewarding to know someone appreciates you.

The rules for this award are as follows:
1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2.  Include a link to their site.
3.  Include the award image in your post.
4.  Give 7 random facts about yourself

Randomness about April:

      1)       My puppy, Nala, is my happiness.  I love her mountains and oceans.

2)       One of my kitties, Princess Leia, is my other pet loveliness.  She has an amazing ability to know when I am about to wake up.  She always comes and lies on my stomach five minutes before the alarm goes off.  Here she is watching my husband on the computer.

3)       It’s not completely random for those who have seen some of other posts, but I have been married to a gamer for over 8 years. I may have had a teacher’s lounge conversation once where I tried to explain to other teachers that we couldn’t have kids yet because my husband had too many responsibilities as a guild leader.  He takes his commitments very seriously.  This is a picture of a LAN party if you have never seen one. 

4)       My favorite color in the whole wide world is green.  It has been since kindergarten, ever since I saw the jungle green crayon.  No one else got to use that crayon.  I might also own about 12 green purses.  That doesn’t count wallets or backpacks or totes or wristlets.

5)       I was my high school Valedictorian and planned to be from sixth grade.  The highlight of seventh grade was when my arch nemesis for grades wrote in my yearbook that “I was too smart.”  I loved school and having the highest grade in class.  If I can find fellowships, I could get PhD’s for the rest of my life and go to school forever.  Getting paid to learn new things and go to school forever would be my ideal life plan.

6)       My love of learning new things might be why I am 28 and on my third career.  I love the challenge of trying something new.  Ultimately, this is why I made the switch to teaching from Accounting (I have a Business degree).  I figured with teaching no day is the same and you are always learning new things.  For the last few months, I have been working as a technical writer.  (Teaching jobs are not easy to find and haven’t been for the four years I taught).

7)       I had (have) a big sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters.  We just celebrated our 16 year anniversary since we got matched.  Here is a picture of her jumping behind me at my graduation for my Master’s while my family was trying to get pictures.  She made a world of difference in my life.  It is an amazing organization.  I tried to join as a big sister right out of college when we moved to Dallas, but oddly I never got matched.  I switched to teaching and figured I had enough on my plate with my gamer husband, teaching, and graduate school, so I didn’t really push it.

Here are who I have nominated:

Create Teach Share

Create Teach Share

Mrs. Stanford’s Class


Ms. Fultz’s Corner

Ms. Fultz's corner

Teaching with Love and Laughter

Teaching With Love and Laughter
Teacher Idea Factory
Sour Apple Studio

The Picture Book Teacher’s Edition

The Resourceful Apple

Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

The Teaching Thief

The Teaching Thief
Taming my Flock of Firsties

Clutter Free Classroom

Clutter-Free Classroom

Peace Love and First Grade

Herding Kats in Kindergarten

Fourth Grade Garden

Think Wonder Teach

Don't forget about my giveaway and all the other fabulous giveaways. 

I think tomorrow I am going to give a rundown of all the giveaways going on this weekend (and then check them off my list as I enter them). To celebrate all of my stuff at my TpT store is 20% off until Monday.

I also just uploaded by Binder Covers and Spine Labels for everything ELA.  There are over 80 binder covers for all things reading, writing, Spelling, phonics, poetry, Daily 5, etc.  They also make great dividers. They are on sale for $3.20 right now.  I am working on making an editable version. 

I have decided to give one set of binder covers away free each day for the rest of the giveaway.  For today I am going to give away my binder covers for ELA to one person who comments.  Go to my TpT store link for the covers and look at what all is included.  Leave me a comment on which covers you think you would use or if there are others you still need.  I will choose a recipient later to send the binder covers.    Make sure you leave me an email address.
Have a great Friday!


  1. That pup is gorgeous... absolutely beautiful!

    I just wanted to stop by and say hi! I found you via Beth Ann's blog, Taming My Flock of Firsties! I love what you do!

    Thanks for everything!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. April, thank you so much for giving me the award! I love your blog! Keep up the good work!

    Ѽ Lori
    Teaching With Love and Laughter

  3. Thanks for the award! I'll blog about it when we get back from the beach. :)
    Christi ツ
    Ms. Fultz’s Corner

  4. Thanks so much for the award!! I love this award because I enjoy reading the random facts about everyone!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  5. April . . . THANK YOU . . . in excited and "oh-so shouty" capitals. You really made my day. It is so nice to know you and your ideas are valued. Loved your post today. It cracked me up . . . especially the part about your cat. Mine does the same thing to me in the morning. Hugs to you!!!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory

  6. Absolutely! I love your blog! Thanks for all that you share! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  7. Thanks so much for the nomination! What an honor!! Love your blog!!!


  8. Thanks so much for the award! Insert my happy dance:) I love your blog by the way!!

    The Resourceful Apple

  9. So... I am late on the draw, because I only found your site recently! Some searches for our pirate theme lead me to you! You have some super and fun ideas, and I am finding myself clicking page after page; not sure if I'll ever be able to click "back" all the way to where I started!!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Karen, 4th grade teacher in Central NY
