Now that it is summer, I have been trying to make a little more effort to read actual adult fiction. A friend of mine recommended Modern Mrs. Darcy. Every summer, Anne Bogel does a summer reading challenge broken into different categories. She also had a post earlier in June with "Hot New YA books." Between the YA list and the summer reading challenge, I have picked some books to add to my library request list. Here are a few books that I recently finished:
Eligible by Curtis Sittenfield
This was a modern retelling of Pride and Prejudice. I actually listened to this one on audio and really enjoyed it. It was fun trying to anticipate what the modern spin on the plot would be. Pride and Prejudice is one of my all-time favorite books. I actually want to re-read it now.
Mystic Summer by Hannah McKinnon
This was just a super-easy read that would work well for the pool or the beach. A sweet story and easy to read. I did appreciate that the main character was a teacher.
Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella
This is Sophie Kinsella's first YA novel. You may have read her other Shopaholic books. I have read a couple of them, but it has been years. This was a fabulous book though. It was probably one of my favorite reads in 2016 so far. It dealt with bullying, mental illness, the ups-and-downs of being a teen, and family dysfunction, but all with so much heart and humor. I laughed through the entire book.
These Vicious Masks by Tarun Shankar and Kelly Zekas
This was nothing deep, but I enjoyed it. It is sort of a mystery set in Victorian England, but involves characters who discover they have X-men like powers. It was an enjoyable and easy to read plot line. It reminded me a little of The Clockwork Scarab by Colleen Gleason, but not done quite as well.
I have been thinking over the past week that I want to reflect back more on my favorite reads from 2015 to now. So my next couple posts will probably focus on sharing some of my favorite reads from the last 1-2 years. What are you reading this summer?