As an educator, I believe it is important to strive for authenticity in the classroom. Learning should have meaning and reflect what happens in the real world. Finding ways to apply skills to the real world can be difficult. Approaches to teaching like project-based learning are a wonderful way to incorporate real-world application. Now, I wish I could tell you my classroom was a masterpiece of project-based learning, but I am striving for authenticity, right? I truly do want to incorporate more PBL this year, but that is another story.
Learning should be authentic.
What I want to share with you today is about writing. By now, you may know I am working on my PhD in Educational Psychology with a focus in Gifted Education. One of the things my advisors have been encouraging us to do lately is to set aside time every day to write. This is nothing new. I have heard this in creative writing classes and from other graduate professors before. However, that does not mean I have actually implemented this habit in my life. The hardest part about writing every day is figuring out the time that works best. My schedule is crazy hectic between work and school. I just started this week and have decided to set aside 20-30 minutes every morning to write. For me that means, I will probably write most mornings between 5:30 and 6:00am.
To become a better writer, you have to practice.
To produce writing, you have to set aside time every day to write.
Choose a time. Be consistent. Just write.
It got me thinking. I want to be a better writer. I want to actually produce writing. I want my students to be better writers. We need to make time for writing...writing without pressure...writing without due dates. Now, don't get me wrong. We will have assignments. We will have due dates, but writing needs to be a regular and authentic habit in my classroom. Writing needs to be a time to allow for creativity, risk, flow of ideas, and authenticity.
In the past with my elementary students, I have usually done 5-10 minutes of journal writing. I find this is a great way to help kids get used to putting ideas down and get over the perfectionism of every sentence having to be perfect. I usually did this almost every day. This year with my middle school students, we have a block schedule. Thus, we only have Language Arts twice a week. So we will only be able to set aside a dedicated space for writing twice a week. Now, I don't want you to think we haven't been writing. We have been doing more formal writing assignments, but not necessarily every class.
I started thinking about how I wanted to collect my own writing every day. I would rather type it. I know I do not need 10,000 Word documents. I thought about storing my journal entries in Evernote, which would work well. Then, I remembered a website I had looked at a couple years ago, but I never ended up using in my classroom.
Penzu is an online writing journal. Now, if I was writing something super personal, I may not store it online. But for writing for grad school or even writing drafts of blog posts, I think it is a fabulous place to store entries. With Penzu, you can customize fonts and backgrounds. They even make the page look like notebook paper, so it feels like a journal.
I decided I wanted to try Penzu with my students this year as well. I signed up for
Penzu Classroom for a teacher account. This way, I can view their journals and even send them assignments. I can even comment on their assignments within Penzu, so I am excited to try it out. Yesterday, I got everyone signed up for accounts. Most likely, I will still have them publish final drafts in Word. We will use Penzu more for pre-writing, brainstorming, short journal entries, and free-writing. If students do not lock their journals, they can even view one another's journals. I am thinking this could work well for peer feedback. We will have to see how it goes. I'll let you know. I also gave my students the option of using Penzu or having a paper journal. Almost half of my students chose a paper journal, and the other have chose to use Penzu.
You can view a video on Penzu Classroom below.
How do you make writing authentic in your classroom?