
Thursday, July 18, 2013

What do kids see when people-watching in Vegas?

Hello, blog. I have missed you.  I was in Vegas...staying in a Penthouse suite...meeting other bloggers. Oh, and visiting with my mom.

I will be back soon to share my pictures with you.  I just wanted to stop by briefly and share a bit of my fun. I flew out late Sunday night from Dallas.  My mom had driven into Vegas from Salt Lake City and had spent a couple days visiting with a friend.  My mom and teenage brother picked me up at the airport. We got to the Mirage, and they were out of rooms with 2 queen beds. We got stuck with an 1100 square foot penthouse.  Poor us. 

It was awesome!  I wanted to live in that bathroom.  A mini-fridge and a cot - I would have been set.

Monday and Tuesday I mainly hung out by the pool doing some reading on gifted kids. (I'm taking my first gifted class toward my PhD).  I really should get back to working on the many assignments due by tomorrow for that class.  I just am taking a short break to talk to you.

Tuesday night I went to the teacher/blogger meetup.  It was so much fun meeting people and putting faces to the blogs. I will share more later. (If you want, you can see some of my pictures on Instagram.  My username is ideabackpack.)

One of my favorite things about Vegas though is the people.  Vegas is like a drug for the people watcher. My mom overdosed.

It amazes me to see so many young kids on vacation in Vegas.  As you walk around and see people dragging their kids through the oppressive heat, flashing lights, and undressed bodies, I find myself immensely curious.  What goes through kids' heads?  When kids people-watch in Vegas, what do they see?  I can just imagine all the questions parents get asked.  Why is he wearing a bikini? Why is she wearing tassles there? What do the feathers do?  Why is her dress so short?  Why would you want girls delivered directly to you?  Why do people gamble? 

Anyway, what do you think kids wonder when they go through Vegas? That seems like a fabulous topic to a short story to me.


  1. You are like all the fiction characters I read about that get to stay in the Penthouse...jealous! I loved taking my Gifted courses more than any courses I've ever taken with any education related. I did my reading endorsement after and was bored(even though reading is my thing). Glad you had a fabulous trip!
    Rockin' and Lovin' Learnin'

  2. I live in Las Vegas. My son is 7 1/2 years old and has been to strip exactly 4 times. One time to see the pirate ships at Treasure Island during the day and three times to the aquarium at Mandalay Bay. I can't imagine how a parent would explain everything that goes on down there. :)

    Teaching Is Sweet

  3. My friend taught there and said the night before any field trips she would stake out the place and map out a path that would not lead past any naked-esqe people. She said that as hard as she tried, someone always ended up popping up. The funny thing is, she said kids were pretty numb to it and never batted an eye. Hmmm, not sure I would want my kids to be that numb to some of the stuff I saw in Vegas. BUT, it is, what it is, I guess.
    The Teacher Next Door

  4. Oh man, people watching is one of my all-time favorite activities. I can pretty much do that all day, but have you ever wondered how many people are doing it too.
    Vegas people watching must be fun.

    Digital: Divide & Conquer

  5. My parents took Mary and I to Vegas when I was about 14. I remember being SHOCKED that MY parents had planned a trip that involved Vegas (we stayed there a couple of nights and then went on to Grand Canyon, etc). I remember walking around one evening after dinner and them saying stuff about "city of sin" and being a little terrified of what I might see, but I don't remember anything specific. Just an energy I had never encountered and people in weird costumes.

    Glad you got an upgrade and had a good time!
