
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Bloglovin Giveaway Winners and Thinking about Math Interactive Notebooks

I have been trying to sit down and finish a post for days.  My husband was in an accident almost two weeks ago (where luckily no-one was injured).  We have been dealing with body shops, insurance, and car dealerships for almost two weeks.  This whole process has been a nightmare and time-consuming.

Anyway...on to better things.  The Bloglovin Giveaway ended today.  I have two winners.  Congratulations Cheryl and Desiree!  I will be emailing both of you.

I have been doing a lot of research trying to figure out to incorporate interactive student notebooks this year. I would like to use them with more than one subject, but Math is going to be the hardest to figure out. The hard part is that my students work very independently and at different levels, so not everyone will be on the same Math lesson or even same grade level of Math. 
We use a lot of technology, so I love the idea of a digital interactive notebook.  I am playing with the idea of using paper notebooks to house the "inputs" for the notes, but maybe create the more creative "outputs" on the computer. For the "input" section of the notes, we may do some of the notes all-together or in small groups, but I also need them to work on individual note-taking skills.  I decided to create a note-taking template for Math to try out with my students.  What do you think?  Should I add anything?  Take anything away?  (I should probably make a template that has a section for properties). You can get a copy here.
How do you help your students become independent note-takers?

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