
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Some ideas for Valentine's Day

I have not had as much time to blog this week because it was my birthday.  I have had a fabulous week overall, which you can read about at my new personal blog called Balancing the Backpack.  I am really trying to work on balance this year, which includes eating better, exercising more, and trying to approach each day with gratitude and joy.

I really want to change things up a little bit this week with my students and do some fun stuff for Valentines.  I would really like to do some poetry as well.  I did not have as much time this weekend as I wanted to work on some Poetry activities or my Fractured Fairy Tale Unit.  I am hoping to have some more time tomorrow night.  In the meantime, I made some TpT purchases.

I purchased Jennifer Findley's Valentine's Math centers.  All of her stuff is fabulous.

I also purchased her Valentine's Reading Skills pack. I am going to use this, as well as hopefully some poetry stuff I hope to make.

Here is a link to some funny love/Valentine's poems on Giggle Poetry you could use this week with your students.

Here is a cute poem by Kenn Nesbitt called "Lunchbox Love Note" that I will read with my students this week. We will use it to review over the structure of a poem.

I will probably use some activities from Laura Candler's February packet.  I have used her Friendship Cinquain before so I will probably use that as one of our poems this week.


I still need to figure out a gift for my students for Valentine's Day. There are so many cute ideas on Pinterest. I am leaning toward this one with a pen or pencil. I may also bring some cookies because they were disappointed I did not bring a treat to share with them on my birthday.

What have you decided to give your students for Valentine's Day?

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