
Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years Resolutions and Downtime

So I decided to take a little vacation from doing anything productive.  It has been nice.  I wrote lots of blog posts in my head, and then never published them.  I have had lots of fun reading everyone else's posts though.  There have been some great linky parties, so I am going to do a little catch up.

Okay, I want to link up with two linky parties about resolutions. I always have lots of personal goals.

Personal Resolution and Downtime

My primary personal resolution for this year is to keep working toward balance.  That was my goal for 2012.  I did much better the first half than the second half.  I actually started blogging in Feb. 2012 as part of that effort. 

Source: via April on Pinterest

Balance for me is about making choices that are healthy for me.  I am a very serious individual and tend to be overwhelmed and get tension headaches.  I love yoga.  I find it healthy and a good release of tension. I would like to consistently do yoga 3-4 hours a week.  Eventually, I would like to even do training as a yoga instructor to make a more lasting commitment to make yoga part of my life.

I really want to start a personal blog to track more of my personal journey toward balance. (It even has a cute name.  I just haven't done anything with it yet. It will be called "Balancing the Backpack.")  I would like to use this blog to track my progress toward making more consistently healthy choices and even track more of my gratitude.  I started my gratitude list in 2012 after reading 1000 Gifts.  I stopped doing it in the second half of 2012 and would like to pick it back up.

I also want to plan a trip to Hawaii for our 10 year wedding anniversary.  Jan. 2, 2013 is our 9 year anniversary.

Blogging Resolution

I think I just want to be more consistent and take better pictures.  I have a nice camera.  I just don't really know how to use it.  I would like to take some photography classes to get a little more familiar with lighting and composition, besides just learning the camera itself better.

Maybe this would help me?

Source: via Heather on Pinterest

I would love to more consistently post and comment.  I do consistently read other blogs.


  1. Balance is a great resolution. Best wishes!

  2. What a great resolution.. Balance. I'm definitely needing that. I love your resolution about a personal blog. I would love to start a personal "family blog".

    Happy New Year and best wishes in 2013!


  3. Your resolutions are very similar to mine! I just found your blog and I am your newest follower!!

    My Journey to 5th Grade


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Okay, let me try that again...
    I am sending you a little wish that you make it to Hawaii for your anniversary!! I was married there in 2004 and it is my favorite place on earth. I am heading toward my 20th anniversary and hope to make it back for that!! Love your blog and I am happy to be a new follower!

    Kathy O.
    Third Grade Doodles

  6. Balance is my resolution too! I have never been to Hawaii but hope to make it there soon! :) Best Wishes for a Happy New Year!
    Fourth and Ten
    Like Fourth and Ten on Facebook!

  7. it seems like a popular resolutions....balance... it's such a hard thing to do in life!! thanks for linking up!
    The Teacher’s Cauldron

  8. Best wishes on planning your trip to Hawaii. I am approaching my 8th anniversary and hope to reach Hawaii for our tenth as well. Keep me posted on all the great places to go. I am your newest follower.

  9. Balance - me too! I enjoy doing yoga a couple times a week also - it's very relaxing for me. I use Tara Stiles videos from YouTube. Have a great rest of your week. Sara
