
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Spelling and other ideas

So, I totally write posts in my head and by the time I sit down to actually finish the post, it eludes me. Then, my dog starts barking like crazy and my brain becomes more addled.

Lack of sleep is not helping.  I should be asleep, but blogging is where I sit.  We worked on our 9/11 activities today.  We started our Spelling list today.  We did a pretest and some games on Spelling City. I am creating my own Spelling lists this year.  I am doing about 10 words of a Spelling rule, five words of a root word, and five words of a prefix/suffix.  I figured this was an easy way to squeeze in some vocabulary study with spelling. As opposed to a typical Spelling test, we are going to apply our Spelling words in writing assignments throughout the week. I have a small class, so I would also like to create a running list for each student of words they misspell in their writing and have them either have a personal spelling list or use these words to make a personal dictionary/word wall. I am working on putting together a Spelling menu of activities for my students that I will share with you tomorrow.  I got some great inspiration again from Kristin at iTeach1:1.

I just purchased Jen Runde's comprehension question fans and math journal activities.   I decided I needed the fans when I read her post on using Daily 5 and her version of Cafe.  I would like to incorporate more lessons from CAFE, but I need time to sit down and skim through it again.  I am looking forward to incoporating Runde's activities.  I think I may use Kidblog and post questions from the question fans for students to respond to with blog entries or even write some questions down in a Reading journal and then respond to them. I may have separate posts for different groups or my different grade levels since I have a grade 4/5 class.  They can read the posts and questions that pertain to them.

I know I need to share some pictures or something with you, but my battery is getting low...on the PC...and me, too.

Night night.  Don't forget the Technology tips linky and giveaway.


  1. My kids have individual spelling lists. The words come from their writing, and we don't do spelling tests. The "test" is whether the words are then spelled correctly in their daily writing or not.
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

    1. As we get more into writing, I think a personal spelling list will be very helpful.

  2. I would have liked to do individual spelling lists but my school has a K-2 (well almost) spelling program that I had to follow, I have gotten around it a little bit by adding a few words that my lowies need and extending my uppers with words we encounter in reading. Good luck with it all April!
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

    1. Thank you. I am trying to take it a day at a time. Trying to find ways to make curriculum and activities meaningful is always a struggle.

  3. My school is using our adopted textbook's spelling list this year. I'm using spelling city as homework and I've incorporated it into a spelling station. It follows a phonics pattern. I think I'm the first teacher to ever say this outloud, "I hate spelling tests!"

    Right now I do 15 words and 3 bonus words based on the pattern. Next 6 weeks I'll begin doing 10 words with 5 words based on the pattern (no bonus). I don't want them just to memorize the words and not learn the pattern.

    This Little Piggy Reads Alll the Way Home

  4. Spelling is a HOT topic in 5th grade right now. We are all over the place - can't find a place for it and make it meaningful. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks. Spelling is always a challenge. Actually, I am finding word work in general a challenge right now.
