
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Guest Blogger - Ideas for bulletin boards and anchor charts

Hey guys!  I am excited to have a guest blogger today: Sara from Mrs. V's Busy Bees. She has been kind enough to share some awesome ideas with us.  Check back tomorrow.  I am finally going to post about my back to school balancing linky party.  Be thinking of ways to make balancing life and school easier.  It might be easy recipes, tips for organization, exercise ideas, etc.


Hi y'all! It's Sara from Miss V's Busy Bees here! April was kind enough to let me guest blog on her blog today! I'm here to provide you with some bulletin board ideas and anchor chart ideas - especially ideas that I will be using in my future classroom! I hope you enjoy these!

Think Tank from Monarch Madness: What is a think tank? Well, Mrs. McComish explains it well. She said that a "Think Tank" is where students have a week to answer a problem. This problem can be surrounding any topic in grammar, mathematics, reading, social studies, or science. It's used to help students develop their problem solving skills. Students write their name and their answer on the blue fish in the corner, and then staple it to the board. At the end of the week, the teacher reads the responses and puts the correct answers in the fishbowl on the bookcase in front of the board. Every once in a while, the teacher draws out 5 names and those 5 names get to eat lunch with the teacher (what student does NOT like eating lunch with the teacher?!). I think this is a great board to assess your students quickly and efficiently without taking up a lot of classroom time.

100s Anchor Chart from Google: Throughout the year, you (as the teacher) and students add something each day that you've learned. By the 100th day of school, you will have 100 things that you have learned written on the board. This is a great tool for teachers to use to reflect upon what they've done the first 100 days and how they could change their routines or figure out what they would keep the same. I plan to use this in my classroom for exactly that - reflection and for my students.

Synonym & Antonym Anchor Charts from Julie Ballew: These are great anchor charts when showing students the differences or similarities of words. It's also a great introduction to teaching students what synonyms and antonyms are. A great activity might be having students come up with their own words and putting those on another anchor chart that's under or behind the current anchor chart - gives them practice!

Fiction vs. Nonfiction Anchor Chart from First Grade Wow: This is a great introduction to what fiction and nonfiction are. This would be good for the younger grades, but you could change this to fit any grade. You could do all sorts of genres, but this is a great starting point for the younger students. Using a book at the bottom to show the differences, even using the same topic (for this example, a fictional book about turtles and then a nonfiction book about turtle senses), shows students the differences.

Connections Anchor Chart from Finding JOY in 6th Grade: This is an AMAZING anchor chart to have up in the classroom. Children should be able to make different connections from text to things. This anchor chart includes something that I absolutely LOVE - media. There are so many different things that students can connect to media now, especially text. The world is evolving and we are continuing to progress in technology each and every day. Giving students the opportunity to see the connections between text to self, text to text, text to world, and text to media is perfect and allows each student to grow in his or her own way.

Asking or Telling Anchor Chart from First Grade Fever: This is an important chart in the early grades. Even in 2nd grade, my students had trouble identifying what type of sentence they were reading if they did NOT see the punctuation mark. Even then, I had a few students that did not register the punctuation   marks so this chart would have been very helpful.

Main Idea Anchor Chart from Google: This chart is PERFECT for students (and myself!). I remember when I was younger, I had trouble identifying the main idea of a text or story. I would always decide the wrong thing and make myself more confused. I saw this in my students during Internship, too. This anchor chart provides strategies for the student to understand how to find a main idea. The chart includes the before, which is kind of like reviewing the book before you read. During is also included, which is important. What words do you see constantly appearing? What about what kind of ideas are repeated? Finally, after you finish, what do you think is the most important idea throughout the whole text? This is your main idea!

Math Matters Anchor Chart from Working 4 the Classroom: This chart is great for mathematics learning. Some students cannot understand problems (especially word problems) that contain a lot of information. This is the perfect solution for those instances. Having students circle the key numbers allows them to see what they are looking for. Then, having the students underline the question allows them to get rid of all the unimportant information that they do not need. Then, boxing the action word lets students know what kind of operation they will be performing. They then evaluate their process to make sure that they do the problem right by taking the proper steps. Finally, they solve and check their answer to make sure that the answer makes sense! I love CUBES and think it was a great invention to whoever made it up!

Adjectives (Step into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemons) Nouns (Google) & Verbs (Step into 2nd Grade with Mrs. Lemons) Anchor Charts: These charts would be GREAT to have up throughout the year. Not only do they help your students when trying to figure out what a noun, adjective, or verb is, they also give your students ideas of different words that they can use in their writing. Throughout my internship, my students CONSTANTLY asked what a noun was or what a verb was. My mentor had posters up in the room of different types of words, but they never really explained what these types of words were - a noun is a person, place, or thing - a verb is an action - an adjective is a description - and so forth. So, my students were awfully confused. I will absolutely be making these charts for my classroom - and they would be great in yours, too!

I hope that you got some inspiration to make some charts for your classroom from this post. I found many of these charts from Pinterest, but there are also websites out there that have HUNDREDS of anchor chart examples. Teachers Pay Teachers also has lots of different ideas for anchor charts, so make sure you check that out, too! But for now, that's all I've got for ya! I hope that you all have a great year this year!

Have a good day, y'all!

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