
Monday, July 23, 2012

Monday Made It and a couple Freebies

I am linking up with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics for another Monday Made It. 

I have been working on some more products for my TpT store.

Safari Classroom Decor - You can find it all broken down into different items here.

Pirate Classroom Decor  - You can find it all broken down into different items here.

I did make a couple things for myself, too.  (Next week, I hope to finish some more beach decor and paisley decor as well.  I can't decide if I want to decorate with a beach theme or paisley and owls).

Claire at Live, Laugh, Love, Teach made these plastic bag dispensers out of Clorox wipes containers for a previous Monday Made It.  I thought this was a genius idea.  We always use plastic bags for all sorts of things since we have pets, and we have the bags stored all sorts of places. The original tutorial calls for using fabric and mod podge.  I covered mine with my Xyron and scrapbook paper.  It works.  It dresses up the container a bit.  I want to keep one here at home and one at school.

I wanted to make the bucket labels for sharpened and dull pencils.  I know there are probably lots of these labels out there, but I made my own.  You can get your own copy below if you like. I used the Dollar Tree containers again.

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Pencil Sharpen Labels

For keeping track of grades, I found I hated using a gradebook because I did not want to write students names over and over.  Plus, the little boxes were too tiny in my opinion. For me, I found it works better to make a little table and either write or print the students names and then copy it.  I use one each week and record the grades on the paper while grading and then move it over to the computer system as I have time. I keep the sheets with the grades in my teacher binder in folders for each six weeks. You can get a copy of this little grading recorder below.  It's simple, but effective.
Grading Recorder


  1. Cute projects! I especially like the wording on your pencil labels. Thanks!
    Adventures in Room 5

  2. Cute pencil labels! I am really thinking of going with pencil containers this year rather than baskets!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  3. Love the plastic bag holders - what a neat and tidy solution. Next term my class has swimming lessons twice a week and I am always in need of multiple plastic bags for wet swim gear. This is going to be my next project...

    ✿ Judith
    teaching with J

  4. love the pencil labels. So fun!

    ✣ Miss Nelson✣
    Miss Nelson’s Blog

  5. Love the plastic bag dispenser idea and the pencil labels! Thanks for sharing! I'm your newest follower!

    A Turn to Learn

  6. Great ideas! Found your blog through Classroom Freebie! I'm a new follower!

  7. I love all your ideas. I haven't seen those plastic bag dispensers before and I plan to make some soon:)

  8. Yea I love your little pencil pictures! Now I don't have to make any because yours were just toooooo darn cute! Thanks for sharing :)

    Reaching for the TOP!

  9. Love the containers that say ready to use and please sharpen!! I also love your grade recorder for a teacher binder...we use an online grading system with that would be great to have on hand at all times!! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Thanks for visiting my site. I love your blog design, especially the fairy. She is adorable!
    I'm your newest follower.
    :0) Melissa
    More Time 2 Teach

  11. Your ideas are awesome (just stared to follow you!)

    Jungle theme for the win :D

    That grader is actually pretty smart. I used the grader with the tiny boxes, but yes I get tired of rewriting names and also, I am so bad about actually inputting grades regularly! Whoops haha

  12. Don't you just love those dollar store containers?? I just found them recently and keep thinking of reasons I need to buy more because they are so versatile! I am your newest follower!
    Third Grade Tidbits

  13. I just love Dollar Tree, too! They have tons of items to use in the classroom!

    I love that your pencil on the 'Please Sharpen' container has the lead missing! :)

    Mrs. B's Nook
