General Resources:
Text of the Speech
Links to videos and passages from ReadWorks
Martin's Big Words read on Youtube
Online biography of MLK
More official website on MLK
Reading Passages and Questions about MLK:
Passage and questions from Tessa Maguire
Passage with Cause/Effect Activity and Timeline Activity from Fifth in the Middle
Martin Luther King Poem close reading and questions
Reading Passages and Questions about MLK Day:
Differentiated Passages from The Sweetest Thing (These differentiated passages are always really well done.)
Writing Prompts and Activities:
Passage and Writing Prompt from Kathy Adams on TpT
Writing Prompt to Get Students to write their own I Have a Dream Speech
(This assignment is really for grades 5 through high school, so it may challenging for some in grades 4-6).
Timeline Activity from I'mLovitLit (You have to find your own biographical passage or text. The links in the freebie were no longer working)
LSU Timeline link to go with this activity
Activities for the I Have a Dream Speech:
Text and Audio of the Speech
I also have a set of activities in my store to accompany the I Have a Dream speech for $2.75. It includes quotes by MLK with graphic organizers to get students to analyze the quote, an activity to write about their own dream. There are also organizers to get students to analyze the I Have a Dream Speech in their own words in my store for $2.75.
What are your favorite resources to teach about MLK?