
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Blogger Exchange Goodies and a Crazy Week

I am sorry I have been absent.  Last week was the last week of my second summer graduate course.  I had a final exam and a major project where I had to make a differentiation handbook. Did I mention I also am working full time this summer and my summer school kids started last week?  Also, we had some new teachers start this week so we are trying to get them setup and ready to go to start planning.

Anyway, I am excited to try and share some more posts with you on differentation and gifted kids.  One of the books we read in my class with really great differentiation strategies for all students is Advancing Differentiation by Richard Cash.  It is one of those books I have already decided I will have to reread a couple times.  It is packed with a lot of great ideas.

I have been trying to get on here for three days and share my goodies I got from the Back to School Blogger Exchange

I was matched up with Anisa from Creative Undertakings. The box came from the post office all wrapped up in super cute foil paper. I also got a very sweet note.
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All of the items were in an owl photo box.  I love owls and incorporate them in my classroom.
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I got lots of pens, awards for students, pencils, green crafting tape, a mini stapler, a notepad, and post-its. All super fun!

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I love school supplies.  You never can have enough. 

This past weekend I also had a super busy Saturday.  My little brother graduated from a spiritual leadership training program called The Honor Academy through Teen Mania ministries, and my sister-in-law graduated from college at the University of North Texas. I spent about 5 hours in the car on Saturday. I did put together this little gift box for my sister-in law, though.

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(My brother got gift cards.)

Now I have to go pick up this little puppy (who has my favorite face in the whole world) from doggy daycare where she played and got a bath today. Then, I am off to my bootcamp fitness class.

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After that I get to pack for Orlando (where I am flying tomorrow night to go visit my grandparents until Sunday). Hope you are having a fabulous week (and hopfully it is mor relaxing then mine has been).

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you enjoyed the package! I had a great time shopping :D

    The little gift box you made is adorable!

    That book sounds like an excellent resource :)

    Anisa @ Creative Undertakings
