
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Slept, Read, Shopped, and Got Accepted

So...I have not blogged in almost 3 weeks.  I apologize for the absence.  I had been in a great routine in the month of April. I was eating great, exercising like 5 days a week, blogging, etc.  Then, I got sick and the routine got thrown off.  Yeah, then I just realized I was tired and had been running on empty.

In the month of May, I have slept and read a lot and just tried to push through to the end of the year.  The weekend before last I had a great time with my Big Sister from Big Brothers Big Sisters.  We celebrated our 17 year anniversary since we got matched.  She has been an amazing part of my life since I was 12. (It really is a fabulous organization that changes lives.) We had a lot of fun in Fredericksburg. We shopped at the trade days and visited some wineries. I bought a dresser for $85!  It looks great in my dining room with my farm table (that I love).

Memorial Day Weekend was very relaxing.  I got to go to the Taylor Swift concert. She is really amazing, but I felt like other than the moms of Tweens I was the oldest person there. I visited with the in-laws some and slept a lot. The house got cleaned, and I read about 4 books this weekend.  I kept thinking about blogging or grading, but then went back to reading.

I also spent a lot of time in May trying to get all of my application requirements in to apply for a PhD program in Educational Psychology. I saw this on Pinterest and thought it was hilarious.

I found out last Thursday that I have been admitted to a PhD program in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in Gifted and Talented Education at the University of North Texas. I start in the Fall for sure, but I hope to even take a class or two this summer. I will still be teaching and just working on my PhD part-time.  I am excited to see how my classes and research inspire my teaching and blog posts.  So stay tuned - I promise I really do blog regularly.


  1. OH my goodness!! Congrats on being accepted - that's a HUGE deal! You go, girl. Also love that you've kept in contact with your big. I miss my little soooo much but since I moved 14 hours away and he got a new big, I can't talk to him anymore. It stinks!!

    Miss V's Busy Bees

  2. Congrats on your acceptance!! Way to go!

    I got accepted to the National Writing Project for this summer and feel on top of the world, too. :)


    1. Loved NWP! I did it in 2010 and made life long friends in teaching and learned so much! Enjoy it!


  3. Congrats on the acceptance! My best friend just finished her phD in ed psych! She loved it :)

    Good luck!
    Three Cheers for First Grade!

  4. Congratulations!! PhD! That is AWESOME!! I'm beginning my certification in Gifted and Talented Education this summer. Love the dresser!!

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Congrats! I made the leap last year and am heading into my second year as a doctoral student. I love it! Good luck with your studies and if you ever need to chat about it, feel free to contact me!

