
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Be a Better You Giveaway

I should have had a 500 follower giveaway over a month a go and a 1 year blog anniversary almost 2 months ago.  In 2013 I decided my word for the year was balance.  I am trying to make health and wellness more important.  I want to eat better, exercise more, and find joy on a daily basis.  I very much want to continue to grow my blog and my TpT store.  I also have come to realize that we all do the best we can and balance is most important. 

Last week I started a bootcamp fitness class that lasts for four weeks.  I am trying to make food adjustments to go along with it. As I am trying to work out and plan out what I eat, I am just trying to fit in time for grading, blogging, and creating products as best I can. I am also trying to remind myself to fit in more time for prayer and keeping my gratitude list. It is all about balance. :)

Now, I decided I wanted to do a giveaway related to being a better you.  What can you do to be healthier?  I am going to give away a $30 gift card to a place of the winner's choice.  The winner just needs to choose something that will help them be healthier. It could be to Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or maybe Academy.  Maybe even Amazon if there is a book or fitness item they have been wanting.

Enter the giveaway and start thinking about how you can be a better, healthier you in time for summer.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I recently started Bikram Yoga and LOVE it!! It clears my mind, gives me more energy, and makes me stronger : )

    Hokie Teach

    1. I love hot yoga! I try to go 3 times a week. It makes a HUGE difference in my tension. That is part of why I am doing the boot camp fitness class - so I can get stronger to help my yoga poses. Good luck with yoga!

  2. The biggest thing for me to balance being healthy is to make sure I drink lots of water! Both my hubby and I are in the middle of a complete healthy lifestyle change. I love eating healthy, but the most noticeable difference is truly the water. :)


  3. Now that the weather is warmer, my hubby and I have been going on bike rides around our neighbor to stay active. It's something fun that we can do together and we can go at our own pace. I am looking forward to my ride tonight!

    Joy in the Journey

  4. I think the biggest tip for me is to keep healthy snacks with me at school. After school, I get really hungry every day, and if I don't have something healthy, I'm going to go to the lounge and buy candy, chips, or pop. I keep Special K meal bars here at all times, and for lunch lately I've usually been having Special K cereal (I like it, it's cheap, and I don't have to remember my lunch every day!).

    I'm also trying out the app MyFitnessPal to help me with my tracking. I don't have a smartphone, so I either have to use the iPad or computer to fill in my food, but I really like it so far and you can help encourage your friends (without them having to know how much you weigh :) If you are on it or decide to join, add me! I'm luckeyfrog :) I'm using it to help me balance. I'm really trying not to deny myself special occasions or food, but just to balance it out and get back on track after I enjoy a splurge. It's worked really well for me so far!

    I also love Zumba. I haven't gone as much lately, but I really and truly do love it. It's a blast!

    Luckeyfrog's Lilypad

  5. I try to leave school at school. I spend time with my boys. I love to read!

    Crystal Shepherd
    The lamppost in 1st grade math

  6. I work out in the morning because I know there is no time when I get home from work. I have really fallen in love with yoga and pilates because it makes me feel so relaxed. When I don't work out, I am tired and sluggish all day long.

    Now that the weather is wonderful, we have started walking as a family, and now my neighbor is joining in.

    I also eat lots of fruits and veggies with every meal and portion out my snacks. I am very regimented in my eating!

    What a fun giveaway!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  7. I practice yoga three days a week and incorporate fruits & veggies into every meal.

  8. One thing I try to do help being on the healthy side is to drink more water instead of choosing sugar drinks. I also walk around my classroom instead of choosing to sit in one area even if I am using the projector etc.

  9. Pack a healthy lunch with various food groups.

  10. I drink Kangen water.

  11. I am trying to drink more water and walk more now that the weather is beginning to warm up a bit! I also try to walk around my classroom as much as possible. As far as eating, I'm trying to snack on fruits and load up on vegetables as much as I can at mealtime.

    A is for Apple B is for Blog

  12. I am trying to drink more water and walk every day.

  13. This is something that I still haven't mastered yet. I stay at work way too long. Sometimes I don't leave until 6:00 or 6:30 and then I have a 20 minute drive home. I do make an effort to juice every day-wheatgrass, carrots, ginger, lemon, garlic, celery, parsley,cilantro and tumeric.

  14. I am drinking lots of more water! It is amazing how much better I feel when I do! Great giveaway!

  15. I always carry a water bottle with me wherever I go, and schedule my workouts. They are commitments I can't break! I usually go right after school and then I am a little bit reenergized to cook dinner and do a little bit of school work when I get home.


  16. I'm trying to drink more water. I can definitely tell the difference when I don't have enough water! Now that the weather is warmer, I'm playing outside with the twins more! Win-Win for all of us :)


  17. I am working to turn off school once I leave for the day. I find it harder and harder to do as each day progresses. :)

    jennkeys @ gmail . com
