
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Livebinders and Resources for Project Based Learning

I need to come back and announce more giveaway winners.  First, I wanted to share with you what I did today.  I needed to clean my house, blog, work on things for my TpT store, and plan/grade.  Instead, I watched some HGTV and researched project based learning.  I am teaching at a school that utilizes Macbooks for the students, and many of my students are gifted and multi-aged/multi-ability levels.  I really want to use more project based learning this year. Actually, I have always been intrigued by using more project based learning to teach Social Studies.  I never have really had the time to research it to figure out where to begin.  As I delve into creating more project based learning units for my classroom, I hope to be able to share some freebies on my blog and add units to my store. Do you use project based learning?  What are your favorite resources?  Two of the best web resources I found today are Edutopia and Buck Institute for Education. What units would you be interested in finding project based learning ideas for?

I decided to finally try and use Livebinders as a way to organize my research.  I am absolutely, positively in love with Livebinders.  I am an extremely analytical person who thinks in lists.  I have zillions of 3 ring binders and file folders.  Organization is my friend.  My computer documents are organized into subfolders to the nth degree.  (Side note: This is my complaint about the Macs.  When you save a document to the mac, you can save to desktop or documents.  I can't select subfolders.  After downloading, I have to drag/save to the right subfolder.  It feels like an extra step to me.  I digress. I like my PC laptop at home. I can save to subfolders.)  Livebinders is the perfect tool for teachers to bookmark web resources for planning.  It would also be a great way to store resources for research papers.

Below is my Livebinders binder on Project Based Learning.  I found tons of great resources on where to get started with PBL and examples of lessons/projects by subject and topic.

I hope you find it useful. I look forward to using these resources to get started with PBL.


  1. Great resources! I am your newest follower:) Stop by and visit me...

    Learn, Play & Have Fun

  2. Just wanted to let you know you CAN save to subfolders on a mac. I have billions of them too. When you hit save as, at the top of the box where it says the title of the document, to the right of it is a blue arrow. Click that and it will expand the save box and you can click through to get to the subfolder you want. :)
    Third Grade Tidbits

  3. I have never heard of Live Binders until your post.....Thank You!!! This is going to make my life so much easier...I won't need a specific computer to retrieve my links!!

    Mrs. B's Nook

  4. I love LiveBinder! It's also a great resource for a professional portfolio or even having students create a portfolio for end of the year assessment!

    Kandi M.

    The Fit Teacher Reads
