
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Book Suggestions Given Printer Suggestions Needed

I keep saying I will got to bed early.  It has not happened.  Good thing today though - I got to talk to my mom for over an hour today.  I usually talk to my mom multiple times a day for short bursts about lots of nothing.  I love it.  She makes me laugh and might be the only that wants to know what I ate for lunch or about my dog's allergies or that I'm tired or that my laundry is wrinkled.  I said one time my mom was my best friend, and a student said "Shouldn't your husband be your best friend?" 

I didn't know how to explain.  I love my husband.  We complement each other perfectly and balance each other.  He is my friend and husband.  I believe whole-heartedly God knew what he was doing when he sent me my husband.  I, whose parents have been divorced since I was a baby, did not believe in the institution of marriage and did not want to ever get married.  So, what did I do?  Marry my high-school sweetheart at 19.  We have grown up together and made all of our major life decisions together.  We love doing things together and talking about our mutual interests.  Do I think everyone should get married young? No.  Do I regret it? No.  But, does my husband what to talk for hours about the same trivial things my mom does? No.  He is my husband, but she is probably my best friend. So, anyway.  I enjoyed catching up with my mom.  We both have been super busy with work and super tired.

I am trying really hard to get organized.  This having multiple grades and multiple ages at once takes some getting used to.  I am enjoying my students immensely, but I will feel better when I get the printing/copying/planning/organizing stuff a little more under control.  I am trying to pick out a printer/copier/scanner for my classroom.  I would like to keep the ink or toner cartridges cost under control.  Any suggestions?  I bought one tonight at Staples because the guy said it was the only one that could do double sided copying for when I needed it.  I don't want my classroom printer to be my main source of copying, but I want the option when I need to.   And double sided seems so much less wasteful.

Today, we read 11 Experiments that Failed

It was recommended by Inside this Book and Teaching Mentor Texts.  It was super cute.  My students loved it.  We followed up the book by thinking of our own questions that could be turned into research projects or experiments.  Then, my students thought about a hypothesis and what procedure they would need.  It was a great way to discuss the scientific method.  Any good experiment ideas for beginning of the year?  Science is new to me and my least favorite subject.  However,  I want it to be fun.  I have been reading all blog posts related to science and trying to get ideas.

I have been listening to audio books when I am in the car.  I am loving the Bloody Jack series by L.A. Meyer. 

It is a young adult series about a girl orphan from London who steals away as a shipboy in the British navy.  Some of the content is mature, but it would be perfect for like 7-8 grade.  I am enjoying the history and the characters.  The audio version is fabulous because the reader is doing lots of voices with all of the various European and class levels of accents.  It would be a fabulous middle school read aloud to tie into World or US History.

Don't forget about the technology tips linky and giveaway.  It ends this weekend.


  1. My mom is my best friend too.

    As for Science - I like the first experiment to be orbeeze. They are those little plastic type balls that you put in liquid and they expand. They come in different colorsin the toy section of target, so we do 3 different liquids in plastic bottles then dump in the same amount of balls. Then we observe the changes throughout the day. I believe I used water, distilled vinegar, and rubbing alcohol as the type of liquid - but you could use any liquid.

  2. I met the hubs when I was 18 and we also got married young, and my mommy is like my BFF/sister.:) I am also teaching the scientific method and trying to find easy experiments. I thought the mentos/diet coke one would be an easy quick one and the kids love it! That science book looks awesome! Thanks for sharing.
    iTeach 1:1

  3. Thanks for the great book recommendation! We are starting the scientific method on Monday. Can't wait to check it out!

  4. I'm excited to go hunt for this in my local bookstore. I love finding new books. This one definitely gets to go on my Science Pin Board. :)
    Life with Mrs. L

  5. My sister bought a printer this summer and she hasn't changed the ink yet! She's a Speech Therapist with her own private practice, so she prints way more than me. I will ask her and get to you on the printer. I do know it's a Canon and it uses the 3 seperate ink color cartridges + 1 black ink. She did say her ink was expensive, but the printer came with 1 set of ink & hasn't changed it out yet.
