
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Activities for Talk Like a Pirate Day and the book How I Became a Pirate

So I was going to go to bed two hours ago and then I remembered tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.  I had almost forgotten.  I got some nonfiction pirate books at the library and a "How to Draw Pirates" book over a week ago.

I had seen several other bloggers recommend How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long.  I saw the library also had Pirates Don't Change Diapers. I checked them out and read them tonight.  They are super cute.

So I made a set of activities to go with the book for my students tomorrow. It includes ten pages of reading, writing, grammar, math, and project activities. You can get it at my TpT store here.  It will normally be $3.50, but this week it is on sale for $2.00.  First person to comment and tell me your plans for International Talk Like a Pirate Day gets a copy free.


vStory map

vSequence of events chart

vChart to think about Lessons Jeremy Jacob learned about being a pirate

vPirate nouns and verbs

vPirate writing prompts

vPirate word problem creation assignment

vAssignment on What Pirates Don’t Do

vTranslating pirate vocabulary

vTic-tac-toe activity menu with assignment ideas



  1. Oh no! or rather Arrrghh No! I didn't know it was talk like a pirate day. I love this day and I missed it. Well previously I have made pirate hats and we have used dramatic opera music to role play being in a storm at sea. We build an outline of a boat with blocks and all jump in, of course I am the Captain and make a few kiddos walk the plank! I am so sad I missed it ): Hope you had fun though
    Mrs Poultney's Ponderings

  2. I was looking for something to do for Talk Like a Pirate Day 2013 and came across a link on Pinterest - I am sure my kiddies will love this! Thanks :-)

    1. It is such a fun book! I hope your class enjoys.
