
Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tell Me More...

I was out of town Thursday and Friday.  Yesterday,  I was trying to get caught up on lots of things.  I feel like I am so behind on blog reading and commenting.  Oh, well.  I had a great time spending the day with my dad.

Normally, on Thursdays I try to share some Science text suggestions.  I actually have a giant stack of books on the rainforest to share with you, but I want to read them first.  In the meantime,  I am going to suggest you check out a blog called The Science Penguin.  I am linking up with the Science Penguin for the magical product swap and am excited because this will be my first year to teach science (or be self-contained).  Thus, I definitely will need Science resources.  She has shared several science pictures books over the last couple posts that look great.

Now, there have been lots of great linky parties going on.  There are several I wouldn't mind going back and joining, but for today I would like to link up with Amy and Janis.

Newbie Blog Hop

1) I live in Dallas, Texas.

2) Tomorrow I start training at a private school where I will be teaching a 4th/5th grade split class.

3) I taught at a private school for two years where I taught grades 3-6 English and Social Studies.  Classes were small, but I had a different grade or subject every 30 minutes. It actually was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot as a new teacher. Then, I taught 5th Grade ELA and Social Studies at a charter school for 2 years.

4)  I started this blog in February, but I really did not start blogging consistently until June.  In the beginning, I only blogged about once a week and spent most of my time blog-stalking and learning the ropes.

5)  Lots of people have given great tips.  I think the main thing is to leave comments for others when you can.  I think we all love feedback and like knowing others are reading.  Sometimes I don't quite get to comment as much as I would like, but I intend to keep trying.

Tell me more, tell me more

1) My favorite color is green and it has been since kindergarten.

2)  I hate April jokes.  Every time someone makes a joke about my name, they think they are the first person to make the joke.  So annoying.

3)  I moved probably at least once a year growing up.  Nope, no oil or military.  My mom likes adventure.  I went to 6 or 7 elementary schools,  but actually moved much more than that because for grades 4-5 I went back and forth between 2 schools multiple times.

4) I love going to hot yoga.  I am an overly serious, tense person so it helps me to deal with the tension with stretching.

5)  I also hate seafood.  It's not the smell or taste.  It's the texture.

6) I got married a month before my 20th birthday to my high-school sweetheart.  I was Valedictorian, and he was Salutatorian.  We were the first in our class to get married, and we will probably be the last ones to have kids.

7) I am an Aggie, but not a very good one.  My husband only owns Texas A&M t-shirts.  There is a maroon truck sitting out front of our house.

8) I love historical fiction.  Ann Rinaldi was my first favorite author.

9)  I was the only grandchild until I was 8.

10) I have a half-bother, a step-brother, two adopted brothers, and an adopted sister, but I was raised as an only child for most of my childhood.  I am the product of the modern American family.

11) I am compulsive for sure.  My iPhone has not helped this.  I check my email and google reader all the time.

12) My mom is my best friend.  I talk to her on and off all day long about nothing. However, we haven't lived in the same state for 1/2 my life.

13) I only eat chocolate ice cream wit no toppings.

14) I hate nuts and caramel and coffee.

15) My husband is a gamer - a serious one. 

16) I knew he was a gamer when I married him. 

17) Blogging has finally helped me understand my husband's gaming.  I finally have a hobby that I can get lost in and it requires commitment and consistency.

18) Talk radio puts me to sleep, but I love listening to sermons on the radio.

19) I have three cats and an Australian Shepherd.

20) Nala, my Aussie, is the best part of my day usually. She is my first child.


  1. Good luck at the private school! I love reading little tid bits about fellow bloggers! My mom is my best friend too! We talk all the time. It's amazing how much closer you get as you get older. I loved the part about your gamer husband. My boyfriend LOVES his phone and is always playing games or using his 'stumble' app. I don't get it, but then again I am on my computer almost 24/7.

    Reaching for the TOP!

  2. I've heard about hot yoga, but never tried it! Sounds fun... thanks for linking up!

  3. Loved reading this! My parents loved to buy and sell home so I was constantly moving too. I can't stand the texture, smell or taste of seafood and I LIVE at the beach.

    1. lol I wish I had an April joke right now.... hmmm I will have to think of a clever one...

      Loved reading about you!

      T.G.I.F. (Thank God it's First Grade!)

  4. I love how much we have in common. My husband and I were both high school sweethearts a year apart and we were both the Valedictorians of our class. And as I have mentioned before, the hubby is a gamer too. I was so glad that I found blogging because I didn't know what to do with myself when he would be gaming.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  5. Thanks for stopping by--right back at ya! Everyone has such great ideas! I just found another linky party at theteacherwife for your top 5 picture books.
    I think if you stop by my blog, and click the link it will direct you to it.

  6. Found you through the Newbie Blog Hop! :)

    I also moved a lot growing up. I lived in five or six different states before settling down in Missouri when I was 4 1/2!

    Can't wait to see more of your blog!

    Ashley @Fierce in Fourth

  7. I loved reading your fun facts! I, too, married my high school sweetheart and much to many of my friends' dismay, we'll probably be the last to have children too haha! :) I'm excited to read more on your blog!


  8. Blogging can be addicting :)
    Glad you joined the hop!

    One Class, One Sound

  9. Thanks for popping by my blog! I'm a new follower of yours and look forward to exploring your site.


  10. Um yes my iPhone doesn't help my compulsiveness either... I check my email WAY more than I should!!!

    Make sure to stop by and enter my giveaway.

  11. I saw you on the Tell me More linky.
    I taught a 4/5 combo class last year. Good luck! I hope they give you good kids, that makes all the difference in the world. Let me know if you have any questions...
    Fancy Free in Fourth

  12. I also moved a ton when I was growing up - I went to four different schools in 6th grade alone. Have you stayed in one spot more now that you are an adult?
