
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Summer Bucket List linky party

Hadar from Miss Kindergarten, Teri from A Cupcake for the Teacher, and April from A Modern Teacher are having a Linky Party called My Summer Bucket List.

I love lists so here are some of my goals for the summer:

1) Finish my garage. 

We already cleaned it out and somewhat organized.  My husband is re-sheetrocking some of it and adding an attic ladder.  We are going to prime and paint the walls, and then paint the floors.  Then, we will get a real workbench and storage shelves.  I also want to store all my extra teaching stuff and books in one corner (that currently are split between my office and guest room).

2)  Build up endurance at running. 

I started running like a whole week ago so my dog and I sort of alternate running/walking right now.

3)  Keep going to yoga consistently.

  (Maybe some day I will be able to do Crow.)

4)  Keep reading 1000 Gifts and keep up with my own list of things to be thankful for.
5)  Start actually using Pinterest.

Saw lots of great ideas through the linky party where people found great ideas on Pinterest.

6) Experiment/Research digital scrapbooking.  And put pictures in the empty picture frames.

7)  Research and create products for thematic unit teaching. 

Seems like it would be great with older grades and I haven't seen too many resources out there.  I actually saw a great blog post on Friday about someone using thematic teaching in their classroom, and they had great pictures.  I need to refind it.  (Trying to update my blog list.  It won't add more than 25 and adding them all manually seems annoying.)

8)  Also trying to motivate myself to eat better: more salad, less sugar, no artificial sweetener, less bread and gluten, and less dairy.  Struggling to figure out dinners and how to keep it easy (other than my hsuband's suggestion of only eating frozen dinners because no dishes are involved).

9)  Read great books

10)  Enjoy the sunshine.

Have a bucket full of summer blessings!


  1. April, You will LOVE pinterest once you get on and get set up:) I am your newest follower! Thanks for stopping by my blog:)


  2. Great list! You will love Pinterest! Hope you have a great summer and get your bucket list knocked out! I just joined the party, so come over when you can!

    Summer Dreaming,

  3. Aloha Rebecca, thanks for stopping by:) Be careful, Pinterest is very addicting!! That's how I became a blog stalker. I am very jealous you have a garage! I have the smallest house ever, but I can't complain I am only a few blocks from the beach;) Good job with the yoga, I know it's good for you, but I can't seem to stick with it!! I look forward to reading future posts!


  4. Pinterest is my favoritest thing ever! I get so many wonderful ideas from there. You will love it!

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  5. Sounds like a good bucket list to me! :-) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm your newest follower!
    Michelle @

  6. Great List You will love Pinterest!

    First Grade @ Klinger Cafe

  7. Hi April!

    Sounds like a great list! Pinterest is AMAZING!! I am excited to actually have the time this summer to make some of the amazing things I've found on there! And I'm right there with you for the reading great books!!

    Lessons with Laughter

  8. Thanks all! Slowly trying to dedicate more time to lots of things, but looking forward to exploring Pinterest more. Looking forward to checking out all your blogs more.
