
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Good Reads

I am linking up with Mrs. Stanford for her Good Reads linky party.  I think I am just as addicted to linky parties as teaching blogs.  They are so much fun! 

Hmmm...what do I plan on reading this summer?  Well, my grandmom always says there should be two books on your nightstand: one for fun and one to learn.

To Learn:
I want to reread some education books I read awhile ago.  Someone told me about Everyday Editing at a workshop, so I bought it.  I only glanced through it.  I never really digested it.  This summer I want to work on creating some good upper elementary grammar practice materials.

Practice with Purpose always gives me ideas when I read through it.

I want to study different periods of American History by how it affected children.  I am starting with the Civil War.  I skimmed both of these 2 summers ago, but this summer I want to really read them.

I have always heard how good the Book Whisperer is, so I would like to read it.

Heather at Heather's Heart has been blogging about Conscious Discipline so I might look into that.
For Fun:

I picked up these two at the library.  They looked interesting.  I always have to keep up with juvenile and young adult novels.

One of these days I would like to get around to reading Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins.

My husband will give me a hard time if I don't read these two and keep with the series. 

After skimming everyone's reading choices for the summer via the linky party, I now also have added Mosaic of Thought (which was given to me and I never read).  I am considering Fifty Shades of Grey (I am curious to see what all the controversy is.  Although, some have indicated it is not very well-written, so I may not get very far.)

Let's see if I can read all this in one summer!  I tend to hardly read at all for months and then consume books for awhile. I also am continuously working on 1000 Gifts by Ann Voskamp and my own gratitude list.  I also am trying to read and study the Bible more.

On a side note, if you are looking for some Reading Resources for your classroom,  I made some common core aligned Reading Graphic Organizers for 3rd grade and 5th grade. I am currently working on 4th grade.

Here is a summer reading log freebie for you.  I made this in case you wanted something simple to send home for accountability, but with minimal copying.
Happy reading!


  1. Thanks for linking up!! I want to reread some of my Debbie Diller books too ;) also, I'm intrigued by Heather's comments about conscious discipline so I'm trying to find that at the library!! Thanks again for joining!

    Jessica Stanford

  2. I saw the writer of Conscious Discipline at a conference recently and have also added her books to my ever-growing list *sigh*. I wasn't impressed with 50 Shades-it just isn't written well in my humble opinion, I really didn't care what happened to either character, which isn't a good sign.


  3. Thanks for stopping by! That is good to know about 50 Shades. If it is nt well-written,I may not get very far. I alway have a huge list of things I want to read.

  4. I started The Book Whisperer last summer and never finished. That is now back on my reading list. And I usually keep up with the young adult fiction books as well. They generally end better than adult books, or at least the ones that I read do. Stop by my blog to see what books I recommended:)!

